Black & White

A great gift for your parents, your siblings, your Best Friend's Anniversary and even your own.
A while back, I sent out a set to a happily married couple celebrating 40 years of bliss together. How much fun it was to paint 1969 on them!
(please note that these are 8x8 canvases as opposed to the 6x6's listed in my shop at a lower price)

Give as an engagement, wedding, shower or housewarming gift...

1) vin·tage [vin-tij]
representing the high quality of a past time: vintage cars; vintage movies.
old-fashioned or obsolete.

2)con·tem·po·rar·y [kuhn-tem-puh-rer-ee]
of the present time; modern.

Yet they can be:

3) tra·di·tion·al [truh-dish-uh-nl]
observant of tradition; attached to old customs; old-fashioned.


4) funk·y [fŭng'kē]
characterized by originality and modishness; unconventional.

And Always:

5) per·son·al [pur-suh-nl]
particular to a given individual

Some other color choices are shown as well.

Set of 3- 8x8 Inch Canvases, Handpainted and Sealed
Choose your Style, Choose your Colors, Choose your Numbers.
For the love of your life or to be given as gift...engagement, bridal shower, wedding, anniversary, birthday, just because, house warming..
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