Summation - the process of adding things together;
because, together, we are equal to more than the sum
of our parts. We are one. We are whole.
by the Sea- we are lovers of the beach, the sea, the
sky, the sand between our toes.
Summation by the Sea is a collective gathering of
makers, artists, creatives...friends.
FALLing for You Love Letters
The colors in this set remind me of Fall~ Deep Brown Letters, Autumn gold, faded green leaves, grey skies as background colors.
As summer says Goodbye, we happily welcome the love that is found in Fall.
1) vin??tage [vin-tij]
representing the high quality of a past time: vintage cars; vintage movies.
old-fashioned or obsolete.
2)con??tem??po??rar??y [kuhn-tem-puh-rer-ee]
of the present time; modern.
Yet they can be:
3) tra??di??tion??al [truh-dish-uh-nl]
observant of tradition; attached to old customs; old-fashioned.
4) funk??y [f??ng'k??]
characterized by originality and modishness; unconventional.
And Always:
5) per??son??al [pur-suh-nl]
particular to a given individual
Set of 3- 6x6 Inch Canvases, Handpainted and Sealed
Choose your Style, Choose your Colors, Choose your letters.
For the love of your life or to be given as gift...engagement, bridal shower, wedding, anniversary, birthday, just because, house warming...
(the backgroud colors on the M&B canvses are the same background colors on the K&G, canvases... just taken at different times)
Need your Canvases Wrapped?