Custom Sweetheart Letters

100% Completely Custom for that very special couple in your life. Made to match their wedding invitation or theme. Send me the invitation or their wedding art and have that design drawn on a set of canvases.
An extremely special keepsake to remind them of their day for years to come.

1) vin??tage [vin-tij]
representing the high quality of a past time: vintage cars; vintage movies.
old-fashioned or obsolete.

2)con??tem??po??rar??y [kuhn-tem-puh-rer-ee]
of the present time; modern.

Yet they can be:

3) tra??di??tion??al [truh-dish-uh-nl]
observant of tradition; attached to old customs; old-fashioned.


4) funk??y [f??ng'k??]
characterized by originality and modishness; unconventional.

And Always:

5) per??son??al [pur-suh-nl]
particular to a given individual

Set of 3- 6x6 Inch Canvases, Handpainted and Sealed
Choose your Style, Choose your Colors, Choose your letters.
For the love of your life or to be given as gift...engagement, bridal shower, wedding, anniversary, birthday, just because, house warming...

Need your Canvases Gift Wrapped

I ship worldwide. Please Contact me for shipping estimates.
These canvases were sent off to the Netherlands.
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